Monthly Archives: 3月 2018
大分・長崎で明和電機ナンセンスマシーン展 2018

明和電機ナンセンスマシーン展 in 大分
会場:大分市美術館(〒870-0835 大分市大字上野865番地)
明和電機ナンセンスマシーン展 in 長崎
会場:長崎県美術館(〒850-0862 長崎県長崎市出島町2番1号)





取材記事 仏壇制作について
前編 >
トークショー「青春! 同級生鼎談」
トークショー「青春! 同級生鼎談」
■日時:2018年4月18日(水) 7:10p.m.-8:40p.m.
■会場:クリエイションギャラリーG8 参加無料 要予約
■出演:秋山具義、土佐信道(明和電機社長)、中村至男 ※敬称略
※ご予約は、3月16日(金)11:00〜 Peatixにて受付開始
オタマトーンデモ in 山野楽器
■会場■銀座山野楽器 ロックイン新宿ギター&ドラム館 1F 特設スペース
(〒160-0022 東京都 新宿区新宿3-35-17 マノビル)観覧自由
開発者の現代アーティスト明和電機 土佐信道さんによるオタマトーン シリーズの商品紹介とデモ演奏を行います!!明和電機製品の演奏も必見!ご購入者特典もあります。
当日、オタマトーン各種、オタマトーン デラックス、オタマトーン テクノ、オタマトーン メロディをお買い上げいただいた方各回先着30名さまに明和電機 土佐社長からお買い上げ商品へのサインと2ショット撮影ができます。
当日、オタマトーン各種、オタマトーン デラックス、オタマトーン テクノ、オタマトーン メロディをお買い上げいただいたお客さまへの特典として、各回先着30名さまに明和電機 土佐社長からのお買い上げ商品へのサインと、お客様のお手持ちのカメラによる2ショット撮影ができます。
取材記事 日経 X TECH
発行元:日経 X TECH掲載日:2018年3月15日
■日時 2018年3月20日 14:00~15:30
■場所 グランフロント大阪北館2F The Lab.内 アクティブスタジオ
■参加費 無料
■定員 50名(先着順)※定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます。
■お申込み メールにお名前、ご所属、
〇主催 アーツサポート関西(公益財団法人 関西・大阪21世紀協会内
〇共催 VisLab Osaka(ビズラボ オオサカ)
〇協力 日本電通株式会社、一般社団法人ナレッジキャピタル
【お問合せ】 アーツサポート関西 Tel: 06-7507-2004 Email:
安藤 英由樹
原 久子
VisLab Osaka ビズラボ大阪
アーツサポート関西 http://artssupport-kansai.or.
関西経済同友会の提言にもとづき、2014年に公益財団法人 関

■募集人員 1名
■条件 30歳までの男子で、以下の業務内容について好奇心があり、技能のいずれかの経験をお持ちの方。

■募集人員 1名
■条件 以下の業務内容についての実務経験をお持ちの方。男女、年齢は問いません。
または まで メールにて送付ください。
※資料は返却できませんので、履歴書以外は必ずコピーをお送り ください。
明和電機アトリ工 宛
工員募集のちらしはこちら >工員募集

(29 NORMAN AVE NY 11222)
明和電機「VOICE MECHANICS」シリーズについて講演。ミニライブあり。
その後、NASAのプロジェクト「International Space Ochestra」では、明和電機の「君はエプロン 僕はパンタロン」をヲノサトルさんがオーケストラにアレンジして演奏。その録音をNASAの探査衛星に乗せました。
NASA 「International Space Ochestra」映像
Array Nellyさん社歌ダンス映像今回のNYのイベントは、9年前にインターンで明和電機にきたNellyさんが出世して招いてくれた。大きくなったのう・・。(9年前のNellyさんの社歌ダンス)>
— 明和電機 (@MaywaDenki) March 11, 2018
ADO x Nelly Ben Hayoun Presents:“Homo sapiens, I Hear You” 2018 Seminar Series
MARCH 2018: BREATHE IT IN; On wind, air and lungs
Together we are dissecting our lungs to better understand one of the mechanism of life as we know it: Respiration. What is it? Where do we find oxygen? And is it possible to grow oxygen on other planets? This session will investigate potentially habitable planets, how atmospheric circulation patterns might change in the future, how these projections are represented through numerical models; musical instruments making use of wind, singing lungs, breathless and speechless events.
Overview of the Series
“Between one night and the next, the one we came from and the one we shall land in, there will have been only four hours daylight. It moves through the freezing, trans-oceanic atmosphere, runs along the long lashes of the actress, along the horizon, violet where the sun is rising, as we fly along in our warm coffin of a jet, and finally fades away somewhere off the coast of Iceland. The journey is over.” – Jean Baudrillard. America, p. 24, 1981
Bye Bye Homo sapiens… As we extend senses, body parts, and ghost in our shells and other science fiction genres, we, as a species, have to reconsider our journey and possibly venture into the unknown, above and beyond the asphalt. Indeed, will our advancements, our technologies, compete with the ever more challenging environment and dramatic landscapes we face? From techno-catastrophes like Chernobyl to techno-mastering like the Large Hadron Collider, we, Homo Sapiens have learnt to become new explorers, we are the toxic tourists who make, design as we move, invade and create. To say the least, we are connected to one and other, we hear, we fear, and soon enough, we will all be able to tele-operate one another…. One could say we, Homo Sapiens, are rather curious organisms.
We are made of dust, organs, water, needs, thoughts, words… what else?
We are the Homo fabers, who think and shape politics; the Animal Laborans, who make, design and engineer; or perhaps the Homo economicus, the self-interested agents, producer of profits.
While we rethink our behaviours and investigate plausible futures, A/D/O research seminars are non-linear, non-conventional, non-passive classes in which we rethink, question and experiment with Homo sapiens’ tools and needs now and in the near future. Join us in this expedition, a live encyclopaedia and archaeology composed of 12 classes and associated programmes, hypnosis radios and other sublime experiments.
Worry not, fear nothing, we will build and shape new pyramids as we go, reinvent genres and experiment aesthetics while watched over by the loving grace of Maslow, Milgram or Hannah Arendt.
Information about A/D/O
A/D/O is located in a 23,000 square foot former warehouse in Greenpoint, Brooklyn’s Industrial Business Zone. It has been converted into a space for creative exchange.
Speakers at the event
Maywa Denki
Maywa Denki is an art unit produced by Novmichi Tosa. It was named after the company that his father used to run by gone days.
The costume is designed as a typical working uniform of Japanese electric stores, symbolizing small/medium-sized enterprises that had once supported Japan’s economy during its high-growth period. Its unique style is indicated by a term he uses: for example, each piece of Maywa Denki’s work is called “a product” and a live performance or exhibition is held as “a product demonstration.” The products produced so far include “NAKI Series,” fish-motif nonsense machines, “Tsukuba Series,” original musical instruments. And as an activity besides of Maywa Denki, Novmichi announces “Edelweiss Series,” flower-motif object art. Although Maywa Denki is known and appreciated as an artist, its promotion strategies are full of variety: exhibition, live stages, performances, producing music, videos, writing, merchandising toys, stationery, and electric devices. As Novmichi is still looking for a new scheme for a different approach to the public, Maywa Denki now in earnest begins to extend its activities to overseas, holding exhibition in over the world.
Dr. Clara Orbe
Clara Orbe is a Research Physical Scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City. She studies large-scale flow patterns on Earth, how they are represented in computer models, and how they may change in the future. She collaborates with other government labs and academic institutions, including NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Johns Hopkins University and the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. She received her bachelor’s and doctoral degrees in applied mathematics from Brown University and Columbia University, respectively. She lives in Brooklyn.
Dr. Nancy Y. Kiang
Nancy Y. Kiang is a research scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. She conducts research into the interactions between the Earth’s biosphere and its atmosphere, and investigates how “biosignatures” from photosynthesis might be used to detect life on planets in other solar systems. She obtained her PhD in biometeorology from the University of California at Berkeley, and she is also a wannabe filmmaker with Reactive Airways
Dr. Sonali Bose
Sonali Bose, MD MPH is an adult pulmonologist and NIH-funded research scientist at The Mount Sinai-National Jewish Respiratory Institute, and is interested in climate change, air pollution, and other environmental exposures that influence human lung development and airway health. Her focus is on public health research and interventions aimed specifically at improving asthma outcomes for both children and adults, especially within urban communities. She received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School, and her pulmonary and critical care training at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she is also on faculty. She is actively involved with national organizations such as the American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Centers (ACRC) Network and the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) consortium, as well as numerous international respiratory societies.
DJ Hershe
HerShe is a self taught multi-talented Artist/Producer. At a young age she started Beatboxing at 11 and spinning at 14. She incorporates both Beatboxing and DJing into her live sets, diversifying herself from the average performer. HerShe has played at SXSW in Austin, TX three years in a row, is the current Beatbox Battle Champion in New York, is up for World Beatbox Champion in Berlin, is a co-founder of Boston Beatbox, and has spun and performed in various Clubs, Festivals, Shows, Concerts in and around Boston, The New England states, New York, Austin, and LA. HerShe has performed with Redbull, Shure Microphones, Jessie Reyez, CupcakKe, Drezo, BreZ (from the TV show Empire), Gizzle, Butterscotch, Amanda Perez, The Beatbox House, (etc) and had been featured on platforms such as, Sensu Music Magazine,,,, and has been noted as one of the top 5 most anticipated LGBTQ acts for SXSW listed with Ruby Rose all at the age of 21.
Dj HerShe will be running a short 10min workshop as a part of the panel discussion.
Information about Podcast
WILD CHILD NYC is a Brooklyn based production company specializing in experimental storytelling. Founder, humorist Elle Clay is dedicated to crafting and illuminating marginalized narratives. Elle will be recording 15 minute interviews with the participants in the seminar before the event starts between the hours of 4pm and 6pm onsite at A/D/O on March 12th.
Radio Wolfgang
Radio Wolfgang is an independent online and app-based radio station offering members a live stream of music 24/7, plus on-demand documentary, talk and entertainment content.
Information about Editorial Content
Cabinet Magazine
Cabinet—a non-profit magazine of art and culture founded in 2000—aims to present unorthodox perspectives designed to foster curiosity about the world we have made and inhabit. The magazine believes that curiosity is the very basis of ethics insofar as a deeper understanding of our social and material cultures encourages us not only to be better custodians of the world as it is but to also imagine it otherwise. We understand this strategy to be fundamentally democratic, and we aim to be as open as possible by offering projects whose blend of accessibility, seriousness, and humor dismantle the exclusionary hierarchies associated with the words “art” and “culture.”
For the collaboration with “Homo sapiens: I Hear You” at A/D/O, Cabinet will each month commission three short essays of quite different mood and voice, ranging from the historical to the fictional, on the theme being considered for the seminar that month. Though the essays will traverse a wide variety of fields and disciplines, they will all inhabit the space between curiosity and method, fertile ground for those interested in interrogating who we are, what we know, and what we can hope for.